Fusion Energi


The self-driving car revolution is not here. It's not even close. As much as the tech start up companies desperate for funding and the mainstream media that needs to fill TV segments are telling people that autonomous cars are just around the corner, they aren't. However, the self-driving car is inevitable. Once the technology gets past that incredibly difficult last 10% of development, then all the other factors surrounding machines moving around with no human control have been accounted for, they will be a fact of life. What we have learned about the majority of people now though is that they don't trust the idea of self driving cars. Tesla Model 3 drivers using Autopilot are definitely in the minority here.

Surveys have been carried out before and the general mood is that people don't trust the idea of a car not in human control. However, according to Reuters, Americans are "warming" to the idea of handing over their driving duties completely to a computerized machine. According to a survey of 1,040 American adults over the age of 18, around 40% of Americans are "leaning more to buying self-driving cars in the future." What's more, they also "have plans to make them an extension of their homes and offices."

There's other information that confirms things like millennials being the generation most accepting of electric, hybrid, and connected vehicles. More interestingly, Reuters has also put together an infographic showing what leisurely activities drivers will choose to do most with their newfound freedom. The top of that list is eating or drinking; second is taking and making phone calls; third is emails and texting, while fourth on the list is working.

Sleep is down at seventh on the list, and right at the bottom of the list is watching video, something Netflix and other streaming services won't be pleased to see. Curiously, sex isn't on the list despite BMW thinking that's what people will be doing in its iNext vehicle.

You can also read about the pros and cons of self-driving cars.