
The Nissan GT-R may be showing its age as we wait for its long-overdue replacement to arrive, but it's still no slouch in the performance department. With a 0-60 mph time of just 2.7 seconds and a top speed of over 200 mph, the high-performance Japanese sports car is an ideal emergency vehicle that can respond rapidly to life and death situations. That's why Dubai's ambulance service has a Nissan GT-R in its fleet along with a Corvette Grand Sport.

In Australia, Dr. Michael Livingston, who oversees two clinics, also drives a Nissan GT-R to respond to emergency situations at high speed.

Earlier this year, his high-speed driving skills helped save the life of a one-year-old girl suffering from bronchitis. But responding to emergency situations like this also puts Livingston's life in danger.

Since his Nissan GT-R isn't officially classified as an emergency vehicle, it doesn't have any flashing lights or sirens. Without the ability to warn traffic and pedestrians, there is a risk Livingston could cause an accident while driving at high speed through heavy traffic in his GT-R.

"I had to put myself at risk, drive at speed," Livingston told ABC News. "Why can't I be afforded the same protection as any other emergency service? Why am I forced into emotionally loaded situations and expected to lay it all on the line?"

To change this, Livingston applied for an Emergency Vehicle Status (EVS) from Australia's Department of Transport. If approved, the license allows a vehicle to be fitted with lights and sirens while responding to emergencies. Approved drivers also don't need to comply with road rules and are given training for safe emergency response driving. But despite completing the required driver training, Livingston's request was denied because "male drivers are more likely to be involved in high-speed driving and have high-risk taking behaviors."

The Department of Transport was also concerned that the GT-R's "low nose" could send an animal into the windshield if it was hit by the sports car. "A dead or severely injured doctor is of no benefit to the current emergency, your community or any future patients," the Department of Transport wrote. A spokesperson added that applications are usually only approved if vehicles were part of the state's emergency service network