488 GTB


If celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay approves of something, you know it must be really good. The man is an absolute perfectionist. Moreover, not only does the Chef have a solid reputation for impeccable taste in food, he also happens to have excellent taste in high-end vehicles. Ramsay has a particular penchant for Italian supercars, of which Ferrari is clearly his favorite brand. Attesting to Ramsay's good taste in vehicles, he was very recently spotted cruising around London in a gorgeous Grigio Medio Ferrari LaFerrari.

The celebrity chef also recently embarked on another visit to Ferrari's headquarters in Maranello for a couple of test drives. The chef flew around the Fiorano test track in the newest 661-HP V8-powered 488 GTB and the 552-hp 3.9-liter V8 powered California T. Here's how it went.