911 GT3


Google does a lot of interesting things, some are technical and world changing, others are a little more relaxed. This video displays the latter. Watch as Google takes photos of the smallest, and biggest exhibit in the world by shrinking its street view cameras. Way back when in the year 2001 an attraction called Miniatur Wunderland was opened in Hamburg. It's the smallest railway you'll ever see, but the biggest of its kind, spanning 50,000 feet on the model railway scale. The Wunderland crosses eight locations including America and Switzerland.

Construction of Italy is to be completed by spring of this year and plans for England, France and Africa are waiting in the wings. A train goes through this miniature world, hosting over 200,000 tiny citizens and 930 trains. The entire model takes up almost 14,000 sq. ft., and that's on the big boy scale.