570S Coupe


The other day, we advised you to get your questions ready and head onto Koenigsegg's website, where Christian von Koenigsegg was holding an "Ask Me Anything"-style forum. A rare opportunity to speak to the founder of one of the most unique hypercar firms operating in the world today, Koenigsegg had some surprising answers to enthusiasts' questions, especially when it came to speed. When asked when the company would test the real top speed of its cars, he said there are simply more important things to attend to.

We would like to do such a test, but I have to say it's not a super-high priority for us. It's nice to be able to say you've got the fastest driven road car in the world and we believe that the One:1 could take the current record but for us, it's a matter of priorities." Koenigsegg says his customers are more interested in "driving excitement, usability and overall performance". Furthermore, the company can't seem to find an airfield – other than VW's own test track – suitable for such a test. "What is more important," Koenigsegg asked, "An absolute top speed that customers are never likely to reach, or acceleration speed, which a customer will use every time they go to the track?"