3 Series Gran Turismo


BMW has been very busy lately working out the new sets of technology that are designed to enable its future models to react "intelligently" with whatever may face drivers in real life driving situations. These are aimed to allow not only an improvement in safety for both drivers and pedestrians, but to allow greater fuel-efficiency as well. This new philosophy is described by BMW as "Connected Drive meets Efficiency Dynamic."

The automaker plans to have the technology full integrated over the next few years in the new 2013 BMW 3 Series and 2012 6 Series. How it works is that information coming into the vehicle will be drawn from external sensor, from car-to-car communication, and from future inter-connected traffic signage. These are supposed to help the car become more fuel efficient, and unless you're an engineer of sorts, we'll spare you the nitty gritty. Just believe us that what BMW has in store is innovative and special.

Besides fuel conservation, BMW engineers have also outlined plans to allow the car to communicate with the owner's own home media and entertainment systems, as well as utilizing smartphone apps for a variety of things. In short, BMW is attempting to create a vehicle that is so full of new and innovative technologies that most of us will probably end up hating driving. Is there such a thing as too much of a good thing?