Model X


First it was parking pranks that were all the rave, giving YouTube the ability to shut down people with nice cars and egos to match who take up multiple parking spots by blocking their cars and making it impossible for them to leave. And then, big egos with fancy cars struck back, most notably when a rare right-hand drive Nissan 300ZX parked in a way that claimed two spots for themselves. A lifted Jeep Wrangler attempted to intervene by blocking the left side of the car.

If it were any other car, the driver of the Nissan would have had a hell of a time climbing into the driver's seat and justice would have brought the world back into balance, but the steering wheel's placement on the right meant the owner was able to get in and drive off. JDM: 1, Street Vigilante: 0. This time, though, it's Tesla's turn to show how its owners can bend the rules.

With a brand new Model X starting at the $80,000 mark and being able to be spec'd into the mid $100,000s, it's more than plausible to expect owners of some Tesla SUVs to hold the same reservations against parking near the peasants that the aforementioned Nissan driver did. In this experiment, a Hummer H2 and Honda CR-V park close enough to an innocent Model X to make ingress and egress near impossible. While the electric SUV has Falcon Wing doors at the rear, potentially enabling the driver to enter and hop up front, it would still be an unpleasant way to get inside the car. Thankfully Tesla makes it easy for this owner with the Summon feature. Watch and learn.