Range Rover Sport

Land Rover

Prior to its UK dynamic debut at Goodwood, the all-new Range Rover Sport took part in a unique duel with a 1945 Vickers Supermarine Spitfire to see which British legend is the real off-road master. A stunt that has a distinct Top Gear feel to it, the race consisted of a straight drag run up and down a bumpy grass airfield punctuated by a tricky U-turn. With a 1,750-hp V12 Merlin engine affording the Spitfire a 400-mph airspeed and a take-off speed of 80 mph, and the 510-hp supercharged V8-powered RR Sport clocking 130 mph at the turn, the race was closer than you'd think.

In fact it went down to the line. Check out the vid to see which took the prize.