

Ford is working on a new technology that will help its vehicles avoid red lights by telling the driver exactly how fast to approach them. This system is tentatively called the Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory, and is designed to eliminate the need to sit at red lights. Daily drivers in the UK spend an average of two days sitting at red lights each year, and this new system will allow drivers to "ride the green wave," according to Christian Ress, supervisor, Driver Assist Technologies, Ford Research and Advanced Engineering.

Ford is performing a trial run of the technology for UK Autodrive, the country's largest self-driving and connected car trial. Basically, the system will tell the driver exactly what speed they need to be at in oder to reach the next green light. If the red light can not be avoided, the system will tell the driver exactly when the light is programmed to go green, thus managing their expectations and alleviating the frustration of not knowing how long they might have to wait. Audi is working on a very similar system, and hopefully we'll see production vehicles utilizing this feature soon. Sitting at lights is easily the worst part of driving, so any company that could eliminate this hassle could unlock the secret to selling a ton of cars.