M5 Sedan


Hey everybody, my name is Yoloswagbeast. I love cars almost as much as I love annoying people. Growing up I was the FIRST person in my family to love cars. I found they never got up and left the moment I started to speak, unlike people. They were my best friends and I was always the star around them. And then the internet came along. Now I spend a good deal of my time going to online sites disrupting good car conversations by writing the word FIRST wherever I can. I know, It's pretty cool. I also like going to the mall to try to act like i'm cool there too.

When I got my FIRST car it was a climactic experience, just like when a girl almost kissed me for the FIRST time, but she passed out. I have since amassed quite a collection of cars. Unfortunately, they're only big enough for my finger to drive. I also do some racing. I race home from High School to watch Justin Beiber and Lady Gaga on TV. What can I say, I'm a Belieber! High Five Mommy Monster! For my next car project I'm looking to buy anything that will finally get me laid. Boy am I looking forward to that FIRST.